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Registration & Administration:

1. This institution is meant for Christians but is also open to all irrespective of religion, caste or community.

2. Pupils applying for admission are, as a rule, subjected to a test.

3. No pupil less than 6 years and not more than 7 years is class is admitted to Class I. For the next higher classes, one year for each class is to be added.

4. No pupil is admitted without a transfer certificate from the school attended last and in no case shall a student be permitted to attend class, pending formal admission.

5. A pupil joining the academy for the first time must produce satisfactory evidence of his/her date of birth, such as an extraction from the municipal, hospital, Village panchayat records, a baptismal certificate or vaccination certificate.

6. The date of birth once entered shall not be changed.

7. When a pupil is admitted on a transfer certificate he/she shall not be placed in a class higher than that for which the certificate shows him/her to be qualified nor will he/she be promoted before the end of the academic year.

8. In case of late admission the fees from the beginning of the first term shall be charged.

9. The registration fee is not refundable and registration does not guarantee admission.


1. Every student is expected to be present at the morning assembly.

2. Late – comers and absentees from the school shall not be admitted to their respective classes without the signature of the principal on the leave – note, duly signed by parents/guardian


3. Half – day leave shall not be granted to students without an application signed by the parents. Once the students come in, they are not allowed to go out of the premises during classes – hours, not even during the recess.

4. Parents/Guardians are requested to co – operate with the school authorities by sending their wards on the specified date unless a written permission or an extension of leave has previously been obtained. Such permission, however, is granted only for grave reasons.

5. No leave of absence is granted without a written application signed by the parents and only for genuine reasons. The school accepts no responsibly if a student is obliged to return home during class – hours for non – compliance with any of the rules. Only sending an application is not sufficient. Leave has to be sanctioned.

6. In case of illness a medical certificate must be produced within three days of a student’s absence. In case of doubt, the authorities maybe insist on the students being examined by civil surgeon.

7. After the summer vacation and Christmas holidays, students must attend classes on the reopening day. In case a student remains absent for 3 days soon after the reopening without the written permission of the principal, his/her name shall be struck off and readmission may be allowed on payment of readmission fee.

8. If a student continues to be absent for 15 days without the written permission to the principal, his/her name shall be struck off.

9. If a student does not have 75% attendance of the total number of working – days, he/she shall not be considered for promotion.


1. Strict regularity, courtesy in speech and conduct, cleanliness of dress are expected of every pupil.

2. Pupil must possess a copy of the school – calendar which is to be brought on all working –days.

3. They must speak English on the school premises.

4. They are not allowed to visit the staffroom.

5. Lost and found articles on the premises are to be handed over to the principal’s office.

6. Fines may be imposed by the principal for irregularity, indiscipline or damage to the school property.

7. Any kind of damage to the school property must be compensated for.

8. The school – authorities do not hold themselves responsible for a student’s loss of money, books or articles of clothing, etc.

9. They are expected to look after their own belongings.

10. All pupils must take part in drill and outdoor games. Those who cannot do so on grounds of health should produce a proper medical certificate.

11. Mobile phones are strictly forbidden on the premises. If a student is found with a mobile, it will be confiscated and a penalty of RS. 5000/- shall be imposed.

Parent – Teacher Meet

1. In order to establish a meaningful relationship between the school and the parents, meetings are held from time to time to discuss the progress of each student. Parents are expected to attend it without fail.

Identity Card

An identity card bearing a passport – size photograph and the residential address /phone No. of the student will be issued. This card should be borne by each student all the time while at school.


School Uniform

1. Students must be attired in the prescribed school uniform while attending the morning assembly, classes, parents – teacher meetings and school functions. The prescribed uniform is as follows:

Summer (Classes VI – X)

Boys: Blue trousers, light Yellow check shirt, blue socks & black shoes, school necktie, belt.

Girls: Blue skit, light – yellow check shirt, white ribbon, white hair band, blue socks, black shoes, necktie, belt.


Boys: Blue warm trousers, light – yellow check shirt, blue socks, black shoes, blue V-shaped pullover & blue blazer, school necktie, belt.

Girls: Blue warm trousers, light – yellow check shirt, blue socks, black shoes, Blue V- shaped pullover & blue blazer, school necktie belt

For P.T.

Boys: Black trousers and white shirt, black shoes and socks, black necktie, black belt.

Girls: Black trousers and white shirt, black shoes and socks, black necktie, black belt.

2. Students who are shabbily dressed may not be permitted to attend classes.

3. If a pupil is obliged to attend school without the paper uniform, he/she should get a satisfactory note of explanation from his/her parents, otherwise he/she may not be admitted to class.

4. Repeated violation of the rule of wearing of the uniform is sufficient reason to send a student home for that day.